飞船 (未知) 7.4分


语言: 国语
类型: 剧情
年代: 未知
地区: 大陆
片长: 18分钟
资源更新: 2019-09-09
豆瓣评分: 7.4分 短评

演员: 李华军  
导演: 查尔斯·马丁

这是我一个人的故事,我是一个船长(黄渤 饰),至少我自己这么认为,在一栋高楼的房顶上我建了一艘蓝色的大船,于是我开始了航行。要去哪儿呢,我要去麦哲伦海峡,因为麦哲伦先生在那里等我,我一定要见到他。我从广播里得知,要穿过太平洋,需要经历一场暴风雨,才可以到达目的地,于是我每天盼望着暴风雨的来临,因为冲过它,我就可以找到我要找的东西了。我从来不会下船,每天都在船上生活,洗衣做饭,我还喜欢上了钓鱼,我每天还会把剪刀和看到的东西都写在我的航海日志里面,船上的生活很惬意,我也一步一步地向南美洲靠近,但我还是没有遇到那场暴风雨,还没有见到麦哲伦先生,我快忍受不了了。直到有一天晚上,应该是我出海的第一百四十八天,当我开始自暴自弃的时候,暴风雨来了,我独自一人站在船头,接受着暴风雨的洗礼,我冲着天空大喊。但是暴风雨远比我想象的猛烈,我发现我的船根本经不住它的造访,于是我想拯救我的大船,但是我被那张我心爱的大白帆砸晕了,之后的事情,我不记得了。第二天早上,我被我的海鸥朋友们叫醒,浑身的伤让我难以动弹,我爬上了甲板,升起了我那张已经破烂不堪的白帆,因为我知道,我还要继续的航行,直到目的地。这个时候我猛然回头,我看到了另一艘船…… This is my own story, I am a captain (Huang Bo performed), at least I believed so. I built a blue steamship on the roof of a tall building, therefore I started my sailing journey. Where can my boat go? I decided to go to Magellan Strait, because Mr. Magellan waited for me there, I must see him. From the broadcasting, there will be a big storm I have to experience if i want to pass though the Pacific Ocean, only then I may arrive at the destinations. Therefore I was looking forward to the storm everyday, because when I defeat it, I might find the thing that I was looking for. I never get off from the boat; everyday lived on the boat. Cooking, laundry, and I also like fishing as well. I picked up things and wrote the things I saw inside mine log book. Life on the boat was really relaxed, and I was starting to approach South America step by step, but I didn’t met that storm, haven’t seen Mr. Magellan, I couldn’t endure this. Until there was one night, should be 148th day I navigated, when I started to despair, the storm has come. I standed in the bow alone, accepted the rain splashed wet on me and shouted to sky loudly. The storm was far fury than what I expected, I discovered that my ship couldn’t stand up to its visit. I just want to save my ship, but I was pounded by the big white sail have fainted, afterward matter, I didn’t remember anything. The next morning, Gull waked me up. The pain made me move with difficulty, I climbed on the desk, raised my sail although it was totally wrecked, because I know I must continue my navigation, straight to the destination. This time I suddenly turn back, I saw another ship…


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