河口上的圣诞 (2013) 0.0分


语言: 英语
类型: 爱情
年代: 2013
地区: 美国
片长: 84分钟
资源更新: 2020-11-04
豆瓣评分: 0.0分 短评

演员: 莱斯利·霍普  
导演: 查尔斯·马丁

When successful New York marketing executive Katherine discovers her workaholic ways are taking a toll on her eight-year-old son, Zac, she decides to spend Christmas with him and her mother, Lilly in her home town on the bayou. When Caleb tries to rekindle a childhood romance and convince her to move back home, Katherine is torn between the bright lights of the big city and the quiet, gentler rhythms of her Southern roots. Only a Christmas miracle orchestrated by Papa Noel can steer her heart to her true home.


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